
Pittsfield township apartments
Pittsfield township apartments

pittsfield township apartments

"From his description and our observations it would have been impossible to come down that hallway to the first floor exit," Deputy Gilless said. Sheriff's Deputy William Gilless said O'Shea told of waiting outside the window for Carrothers and Miss Nagle but they never came out. He slammed the door shut and fled to a window of the second floor apartment, pushed it open and leaped to the ground, he told deputies. O'Shea said he ran to a hallway door and opened it to find the hall filled with fire and smoke. O'Shea, later told officers that Carrothers and Miss Nagle awoke him when they discovered the fire.

pittsfield township apartments

when the fire broke out at 3:50 a.m., firemen said. Miss Nagle was visiting Carrothers' apartment at 3123 Scenic Lake Dr. Carrothers Jr., a Madison Heights native, and Miss Leslie Lynn Nagle from Royal Oak. Sheriff s deputies and tfife fighters tentatively identified the victims as Lanson J.

pittsfield township apartments

Sheriff 's deputies said they learned the building is valued at I $774,000. L A survey made of the scène by local representatives of the Washtenaw chapter of the American Red Cross showed 12 apartment units in the building had been destroyed and 24 sustained major damage. More than 30 firemen from four departments battled the flames in the building ( in the Woodland Hills apartment complex off Packard and Carpenter Roads for two hours before the blaze was brought under control. Two persons died in a raging fire which early this morning virtually demolished a Pittsfield Township apartment building.

Pittsfield township apartments